Michael Gove Comments on Leasehold Reform

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Lease Law
by Jade Thomas

We were pleased to see that Michael Gove recently confirmed that it was still the intention of the Government to introduce leasehold reform legislation before the next election.

Whilst we are still lacking specific information about the proposed reforms that the Government is intending to introduce, it is reassuring that leasehold reform is still on the agenda!

The ALEP website also provides further comments on Mr Gove’s interview, which can be viewed here:


If you would like to discuss a prospective lease extension claim and/or would like to obtain a quote for our fees, please do not hesitate to contact Sajel Patel on sajel@leaselaw.co.uk or 0204 511 9103 or Jade Thomas on jade@leaselaw.co.uk or 0204 511 9100.